Why I Became a Personal Trainer

Allow me to introduce myself.

I started this venture over a year ago with the thought that I wanted to fill in the time I have when I'm not on set as part of the film industry. However, being active has always been on my mind for quite a while.

Whether it was playing CYO and rec league basketball in middle school, to throwing for my high school track team, I always wanted to be involved. I may have not looked the fittest in my class, but I always put forth the effort in everything I did. It was in college where I learned more about fitness, specifically the field of kinesiology. I graduated from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, with a BS in kinesiology, with the intention to go into dental school.

Why dental school?

My parents, grandparents, and a few other relatives were all doctors ranging from surgeons to physicians, and I wanted to continue on that path of becoming a doctor. Of course, they didn't want me to become a doctor, so I went the dental route. I guess that's why I wanted to be in a field where I can help others and communicate with them. So, I took pre-dental classes, studied for the DAT, and even shadowed my own dentist to see if I could do it. I then realized quickly that I had other plans.

Between the unpredictable nature of helping run a film company, red Bicycle Media, and my, let's say interesting, grades in courses like Organic Chemistry, I knew that it was not the right time to pursue that career. Is it out of the picture now? No, but I like the path I'm headed towards.

I guess that leads me to why I became a personal trainer. Since I was in the film business, where one week you can be busy and the next week or two there's nothing on the docket, I wanted to do something that filled in those empty weeks. I decided over two years ago to put my kinesiology degree to good use. I became a certified fitness trainer to not only work to help others reach their fitness goals but also to eventually go back to school to pursue a Doctorate in a kinesiology-based field. I also love the idea of motivating people to take action and work hard towards a personal goal.

As for my other career, I eventually want to incorporate the film side of my life with the fitness and active side. I know a lot of people who work in the film industry that often work physical days on-set, so I would love to work with them in improving their strength and stamina, especially during those overnight shoots.

It would have been easy to say I wanted to do this as a way to make some extra money, but after seeing the benefits of fitness and shadowing at Kings Gym in Bedford Heights, Ohio, I just love being on the gym floor helping clients out and getting to know them at a personal level. I hope I can bring that experience to you.

Christian Pizarro

I’m a filmmaker for red Bicycle Media and the owner of CP Personal Training, where I’m an ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer.

When I’m not filming or training clients, I enjoy traveling and collecting nights and miles while doing it, Cleveland sports, and the occasional karaoke.

I’m a proud graduate of Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, which existed before Florida was a state, thus making us the OG Miami school.


I Performed Push-Ups Every Day For A Month And So Can You!